Common/Tabby f - This is the pathname to the 'Common Folder' Folder or the 'Tabby' Folder. To change this path, either type in the full or partial path, or click on the Common/Tabby f Button - which will bring up a SFGet Dialog Box. Navigate into either the 'Common Folder' Folder or the 'Tabby' Folder (depending on the modules being used) and click on the Select Button. Note: This path has to end in a Colon ':' Default is :Common Folder:
Gateway f - This is the pathname to the 'Gateway' Folder. To change this path, either type in the full or partial path, or click on the Gateway f Button - which will bring up a SFGet Dialog Box. Navigate into the 'Gateway' Folder and click on the Select Button. Note: This path has to end in a Colon ':' Default is :Gateway:
CP Stuff f - This is the pathname to the 'CP Stuff' Folder. To change this path, either type in the full or partial path, or click on the CP Stuff f Button - which will bring up a SFGet Dialog Box. Navigate into the 'CP Stuff' Folder and click on the Select Button. Note: This path has to end in a Colon ':' Default is :CP Stuff:
Mail f - This is the pathname to the 'Mail' Folder. To change this path, either type in the full or partial path, or click on the Mail f Button - which will bring up a SFGet Dialog Box. Navigate into the 'Mail' Folder and click on the Select Button. Note: This path has to end in a Colon ':'. Default is :Mail:
UBA f - This is the pathname to the 'UBA' Folder. To change this path, either type in the full or partial path, or click on the UBA f Button - which will bring up a SFGet Dialog Box. Navigate into the 'UBA' Folder and click on the Select Button. Note: This path has to end in a Colon ':'. Default is :UBA: UBA stands for User-Boss-Area.
PKT's f - This is the pathname to the 'PKT's' Folder. To change this path, either type in the full or partial path, or click on the PKT's f Button - which will bring up a SFGet Dialog Box. Navigate into the folder where PKT's will be located once the extractor is finished (Usually this is the 'Gateway' Folder) and click on the Select Button. Note: This path has to end in a Colon ':'. Default is :Gateway:
Archive f - This is the pathname to the 'Archive' Folder. To change this path, either type in the full or partial path, or click on the Archive f Button - which will bring up a SFGet Dialog Box. Navigate into the 'Archive' Folder and click on the Select Button. Note: This path has to end in a Colon ':'. Default is :Archive:
Home Path - This is the pathname to the the folder where COUNTERPoint is located. To change this path, either type in the full or partial path, or click on the HomePath Button - which will bring up a SFGet Dialog Box. Navigate into the Folder where the COUNTERPoint application is located and click on the Select Button. Note: This path has to end in a Colon ':'. Default is ':'
1st Launch - This is the name of the application that COUNTERPoint is to launch first when a mail session is to take place. Usually this is ArcMail Compress. However, MacWoof users will want to make this :Gateway:MacWoof. (See MacWoof Setup Document) To change this application name, either type in the name or click on the 1st Launch Button - which will bring up a SFGet Dialog Box. Find the application and click on the Select Button. Note: Default is 'Arcmail Compress'.
Home Application - This is the name of your COUNTERPoint Application. To change this application name, either type in the name or click on the Home Application Button - which will bring up a SFGet Dialog Box. Find the COUNTERPoint application and click on the Select Button. Note: Default is 'COUNTERPoint'.
Tabby Radio Button - Check this box if TabbyNet modules are being used. (See Copernicus/Tabby Setup Docs)
Cope Radio Button - Check this box if Copernicus modules are being used. (See Copernicus/Tabby Setup Docs)
MacWoof Radio Button - Check this box if Macwoof is being used as the mailer. Also be sure to set the Common/Tabby f Folder location if AME (ArcMail Extract), AMC (ArcMail Compress) or UNZIP are also being used. (See MacWoof Setup Docs)
Keyboard Icon Button - This will display the System information dialog box. (See System Information)
Modem/Phone Icon Button - This will display the Modem information dialog box. (See Modem Information)
Save Button - Will save the information in the current dialog box as new default information.
Cancel Button - will revert to the old settings, as they were prior to entering this dialog box.